The Heir Of Fatima-al-Zahra(s)

Written by: Zahra Ali Syed

I often wonder why the family of the Prophet (s) is like a shining star among the masses of ignorant and arrogant early Muslims. We usually focus on the unjust and vicious behaviors of Muslims towards the family of the Prophet (s). Although this is a fact, and we can not find true Islam without acknowledging it, there is more to see.

For a moment, you broaden your perspective and imagine yourself in the company of Ahle Bait (s) during the worst calamities. You will find them surrounded by peace, tranquility, patience, beauty, and gratitude.

I feel Ahle Bait (a) e Rasool (s) glow like the most radiant star in these moments. They immerse in the conversations with their Creator and share their thankfulness, hopes, and complaints. They rise to the peaks of goodness in the darkest of times. They become the most eloquent, most focused, most enlightened, most meticulous, most calm, and the most unshakable characters. You see them shining so bright at the darkest moment that their light travels across eternity and illuminates the hearts and souls of the people. How the Creator responds is even more mystifying.

Look at the first Murder of the family of Rasool Allah (s) within days after his demise. When my eminent Lady Fatima al Zahra (s) lost her child, Mohsin, in her womb, after being attacked by so-called Muslims, and fractured her ribs, she was heartbroken, mainly to see what Muslims had become after their Prophet (s).

She dedicated herself to conversing with Allah, just like her father (s) used to do. Her grief and pain were so intense, and she was so valuable to Allah that He sent Jibrael (a) with immense knowledge of the secrets of the universe to console her. Every day, Jibrael (a) would descend and unveil a new chapter of great wisdom. Imam Ali (a) and Lady Fatima (s) would write it down.

As her wounds became worst, the light of her knowledge became most profound. She left the world in a few weeks, but she compiled a book, '' Muhsaf e Fatima (s)'' that is the secret source of knowledge inherited by the Imams who followed.

Fatima (s) is that personality that is unmatched in the eyes of Allah and Masoomeen (a). Her virtues are so great that we have to raise ourselves from the filths of our sins to get a glimpse of them.

I believe that the light of Lady Fatima (s) shinned the brightest through Imam Hussain (a) in the blood-soaked desert of Karbala and then through her daughter, Lady Zainab (s), in the court of the barbaric emperor, Yazid. It was the inherited wisdom, purity, clarity, eloquence, and unshakable strength that burned Yazid's dreams to ashes. It marked a definite perimeter between true Islam and the religion of the opportunists.

Perhaps, that is why Imam al-Mahdi (atf) has a pivotal role, in the present and the future of humanity. Imam al Mahdi (atf) carries the light of knowledge that has been concealed and enriched by the purity of eight descendants of Lady Fatima (s). This son of Lady Zahra (s) is the sole source of the divine light that walks on Earth and illuminates the universe and the brightest star around whom all seen and unseen forces of Allah orbit, bowed, at service. I hope we are among the people who will accompany him when he revives the center of the divine light, al Baqee, the holy cemetery where the eminent lady Syeda Zahra (s) rests, and that has been a symbol of oppression since she left the world.


Lady Khadeeja Pillar Of Islam


Jannat-ul-Baqee: Preserving our Heritage