Lady Khadeeja Pillar Of Islam
Written By : Zahra Ali Syed
Ummul Momineen Khadeeja al Kubra (peace be upon her), was hand-picked by Allah to be the first wife of Rasool Allah (s), through whom the pious progeny came and enlightened the world.
She was one of a kind woman leader who remained unmatched because of her socio-economic contributions in Arab where female children were buried alive, but also believed in and supported the mission of Prophethood with all her might.
Lady Khajeeja (s) married Rasool Allah (s) 15 years before the Prophetic mission. She was the first one upon whom Rasool Allah (s) revealed the divine command and immediately she believed in the prophethood of Rasool Allah (s).
She not only stood firmly beside Rasool Allah (s) to face the bitterness of society towards his divine mission but also was his beloved companion when they taunted him for not having a child.
We see the reflection of her stand for Prophethood in her daughter Syeda Zahra (s) and granddaughter Syeda Zainab (s). She holds such a special place in the hearts of Ahl e Bait (a) that we see Imam Hussain (a) introduce himself to the army of Yazid in Karbala by saying,
" I am the son of Khadeeja (s)"
Although most of the landmarks associated with her have been replaced by public toilets, demolished, or erased in Mecca and Medina, her personality shines through history brighter than ever before.
She left the world on 10 Ramzan 619 AD, 35 days after the demise of Hazrat Abu Talib (a), the beloved uncle of Rasool Allah (s), and because of these two great losses, Rasool Allah (s) named that year, "The Year of Sorrow and Grief".
Let us spend this day as a day of sorrow. Let us organize events to remember her.
I request you all to recite Surah al Fatiha, Surah al Yasin, or a tasbeeh of salwat for the great Lady Khadeeja al Kubra (s).